Tuesday 26 August 2014

How To Print Directly From Your Android Phone - Printer Share v9.5.1

Hello friends,

Have been busy lately with some few things... But am actually here with something that will interest you.

That annoying moment when you want to print a document, you then start booting your computer and all that stuffs - Its very annoying and time wasting. With this app, printing will become fun and interesting.
("As long as I have a smartphone, I should do things smartly!" that's has always been my theme lolz.)

When i saw this application in the app store, i thought it was like others i have downloaded but it actually proved me wrong. 

After downloading it from the app store and installing, immediately i tried printing with it. It was toasting me around until i completed all the steps. As soon as i clicked print, it told me to upgrade to the premium version argggh! this got me mad! But the only thing it offered me was a test page, so i clicked "Print Test Page" and to my greatest surprise, it came out... WOW! Do you know what i did next? [...searched for the premium version #winks which i found!]

After downloading and installing, you will have to select your printer with any method you like. Check pics below:

You will be prompted to update printer drivers (4mb).
After updating drivers, you will also be asked to download a viewer of 32mb (so make sure every thing is done under a wifi network).
Once you finish downloading all these, you can then locate what you want to print and select paper type, how many copies you want then wooouuu its printed out!


So next time, you don't need to worry about printing because your android smartphone has made it simple and interesting. Cool hunh?
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