
Thursday, 10 October 2013


Hello people,

Here i will be sharing with you how you can maintain your Smart Phone Battery life. Please if you missed my last post on How to maintain your mobile phone click this link and it will take you there.

We all love doing cool things with our Smart Phones like surfing the internet, playing games, chatting with friends, listen to music, watching videos online and do all other cool stuffs but when we have a flat battery, Gosh!!! you feel sad. This is the major reason this post came about.

If you follow these steps, you will see a better outcome from your battery.

1. Turn off all vibration mode for your notification because this really drains your battery.
2. Reduce the brightness of your screen light.
3. Turn off Wifi, Hotspot, 3G, GPS and Bluetooth when not in use.
4. Use static wallpaper (ie. do not use a live wallpaper).
5. Reduce your screen timeout example from 1 mins to 30 seconds or 15 seconds if the case may be.
6. Don't use when charging.
7. Turn off auto-sync.
8. Open your mails (yahoo, gmail, live mail) manually, not automatically.
9. Go to Settings - Phone - Battery Use to see what is draining your battery (note: android)
10. Use Add-on removal to remove add-ons because it also drains your battery. 

For the ADVANCED way of reducing the battery usage of your smartphone, please see my next post.

Hope these tips helps, if it do comment thanks and subscribe for more post.

Always visit to keep your self and your cell phone UPDATED!!!

...Thanks for visiting

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