
Thursday, 29 January 2015

Mirror your Images easily using your Android Phone

Hello friends, can mirror your images and add cool effects to them easily

Have you been searching for an app that can add cool mirror effects to those your good looking pictures? Seek no more!


With Mirror Image app, you can add cool mirror effect to your pictures. Having over 15 different mirror effect to choose from, your images will look more beautiful.

It also have different beautiful frames to choose from and some colour effects also. This app only is enough to edit a pics and transform it for good. Just give it a try and you will definitely like it!

Animate yourself and your peeps with your Android Phone & Tab
 Hello friends,

...time to have fun with your friends

Du Style (Cartoon Face Image)

Du style app allows you create beautiful cartoon images of you and your friends. You are provided with different eye types, nose, mouth, cloths etc to choose from in order to get that perfect look you desire. Its a fun app that helps in creating cool avatars.

You can use the created avatar as your friend's contact images and so on.


  • Lots of body parts to choose from
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to save
  • Easy to share after creation

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

How to Speed up your 2go Star

Hello 2go friends, 

...I get this question always from friends asking me on how they can boost / speed up their 2go stars quickly and sharply from Amateur to Ultimate! That's why this tutorial is here... 

FACT: I believe that there is no particular cheat to boost your 2go star quickly. Personally, I have tried those tutorials online and non of them works. Most of them are time waiting and battery consuming. 
These tips below will definitely help you in speeding your 2go star. 


  1. Keep on chating with friends and don't bother about your 2go star. The main reason why you are on 2go is to chat with friends, so don't forget that. 
  2. Try as much as possible not to get people bored when chatting with them. Once you get more friendly and interesting with your 2go friends, it will make you chat more with them thereby increasing your online presence. This in return boosts your star.
  3. Try as much as possible to come online every day and chat with someone atleast.
  4. Don't start up conversations with many friends at once. Pick on just 1 or 2 that you enjoy chatting with in other to allow the conversation flow naturally. 
  5. From time to time, engage in 2go rooms. Check the list of room and choose one that you prefer and start chatting with lots of friends.  
Going by these tips, I know that your 2go star will definitely get a new colour before Monday! 

Download Sakura Live Wallpaper for Android Phones & Tabs

Hello friends,

...nature comes alive 

Seeing these beautiful flowers on my screen is making me feel happy. The falling leafs, colorful beautiful flowery paths, I feel nature around me. 

Sakura Live Wallpaper
I fell in love with this LWP after installing it on my phone.
It got 5 beautiful wallpapers to choose from; Interesting gestures and beautiful display. I have installed different sakura live wallpaper but this one really stands up.


Friday, 16 January 2015

Download WP Clock for Android Phones & Tabs

Hello friends,

Do you want that digital clock that you can edit it looks? Search no more because am here to help you!

I was in search of a digital clock app for my phone then I came across this particular one and believe me, I was impressed.
After installing, I opened it and selected it as my live wallpaper immediately, I checked it settings and started editing them.  The result came out fine though. You can actually change the colour of every thing in the clock.

All you need do is,
Download and install. 
Open it, it will take you down to live wallpaper select menu. So scroll down and click WP CLOCK.  
Edit it by clicking settings and playing with the edit functions.  

Then save it and check how cool your home screen now looks. 

  • You can change the colour of the time, date, year, month, battery percentage and so on. 
  • You can also add your desired background to it. 
  • You can save your latest customized settings to select later. 


Sinach Android App: Listen to her songs, Watch her Videos and get her Lyrics

Hello everyone,

I love sinach songs! I love gospel music!

Sinach is a well known gospel artist based in Nigeria. Right from when she started doing music, she have been making wave in the industry and have gotten her self lots of fans. 

The "more of you" crooner now have an app where her fans and gospel music lovers can get more of her songs, watch her videos and get every of her song lyrics for free. You can also read her Bio there to know how she started and other stuffs. The app also got a tab to get her latest album!

Through this app you can
  • Watch her videos.
  • Listen to her songs.
  • Get all her song lyrics
  • Read her Biography.
  • View her photo gallary.
  • Call her/email her
  • Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Yookos.

Check out these pictures below:

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Cookpad Recipes: Get Unlimited Food Recipes for Android Phones

Hello friends,

I know you will love this...
My shout-out goes to all the cooks in the house. This is the right android app you need in order to make more yummy foods and snacks. 

Cockpad Recipes
Cockpad is an android app for unlimited food recipe

It is a cooking community android app where users post recipes for free to help other users prepare delicious meals. 
You can get lots of recipes for your next cooking; all you need do is to install the app, then open it and search the name of the food/snack you want and woohaala, you get multiple search results. Am feeling hungry already lolzzz


  • Unlimited recipes.
  • Search recipe by food name.
  • Full recipe direction/instructions.
  • Sharing of recipes through social media

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

You need Clean Master for your Android Phone Now

 Hello friends,

Am here again with something that will definitely interest you… 
Have you heard of Clean Master before? If you haven’t, you just did. READ ON!

Clean Master:
This android app does it name!

It cleans my android very fine, getting rid of those things that lag the phone. It comes with new and helpful features that helps in managing your memory, optimizing and boosting the speed of the.
I so love every thing about this app… Thumbs up to the developers!

  • It got the phone booster feature that allows you boost your android phone with just one click. By clicking BOOST, all your running apps will be closed. 
  • You can easily clean those Cache files on your phone.
  • It notifies you of the Junk files on your phone memory. All you need to do is check them out and Un-mark the ones you believe aren't Junk then clear the rest marked files. 
  • It has the Boost game feature that allows it user boost his games with just one click.
  • It has it own App Manager. There, you can un-install multiple apps at once.
  • With just two clicks, you can Cool your overheating android phone.
  • There is this Similar Photo tab that allows you delete those photos that are identical thereby saving space on your device. You will be shock that some of this duplicated/identical pictures consumes more of your memory.
  • And lastly, the interface of this app is very beautiful... #love_at_first_sight lols
With these, i think you are convince in checking the app out. 

Download Green Wallpaper App for Android phone

Hello friends,

I got a cool app for you today that you will definitely love it!

Its time to decorate your android phone home screen with some beautiful green wallpapers... Believe me, they are so beautiful!

I was in search of cool nature wallpapers which i came across this particular app and immediately, i feel in love with it.

Check out why i love this app...

  • This app works offline; you don't need to download the wallpapers.
  • It comes with 69 beautiful green HD wallpapers.
  • To view and save a wallpaper as your background is very easy. After cropping the image, you just click set and that's all.
  • And its just 10mb to download.

Manage your Facebook Pages Conveniently with Facebook Page App

Hello friends,

Do you run a Facebook page? How many are they? If they are two or more, do you want to manage all of them at once? READ ON!

Facebook Page Manager:
This app makes managing page(s) on Facebook very simple, easy and stress-free.

  • If you own two or more pages on Facebook with one account, you can easily access, manage and update all at once. 
  • You can upload multiple pictures at once to your page.
  • You can check your page notifications, statistics with just one click.
  • You can easily activate Push notification.
  • You can change your page profile picture and banner very easily.


Friday, 2 January 2015

5 things you do that slows down your Android phone

Hello friends,
You got to read through this post because i'm very sure it will definitely help you.

Have you ever wondered why your Android phone performs very slowly? …Still thinking? Hmmm, why don’t you leave the thinking right now while I give you some answers to that question. CONTINUE READING

Below points (5) listed down may be the cause of your Android phone performing poorly and slowly when tasking with it.

Note: It’s kind of lengthy, so grab a cup of coffee or iced drink #winks

Let me try and stress this point out to you better.
Firstly, they are no useless app.
What I mean in this case is, if you go through your app list, you will discover that they are some apps you rarely use on your phone. Maybe, you just install them because you see a friend that have it installed in his or her phone.

For example, if I have the ’blogger’ app installed on my phone, its very useful to me because I blog with it but if a non-blogger installs the same app on his phone, its very useless to him because he don’t blog and he might never open that app again after the first time he opened it.

The funniest fact about this thing is that, you might even forget to delete that particular app you rarely use and when such app starts accumulating on your android phone, it uses up more of your memory space there by slowing down the phone.

Take for instance you have 100 apps installed on your phone, you rarely use 70 and your phone internal space is only 1gig, what do you think would be the outcome of such phone?
Note: Those installed apps leaves some data on your phone memory.

So, my candid advice for you right now is, grab your phone right immediately and sort those rarely use apps and start UNINSTALLING THEM!!! (with a furious face) hahahaha.

This is another reason why your phone performs slowly.

Take for instance, I want to surf the web using my android phone so I opened Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, opera mini and Uc web browser searching different things at the same time. Just for one operation, 4 apps are already running and if I want to hear music at the same time while surfing the web, I will open my music player and my external equalizer... Just now, 6 apps are already running. And mind you they are some apps that are already running in the background without you knowing.

The more you open apps the more you leave your phone to suffer for it because those running apps tends to rely on your phone R.A.M (random access memory) and if it’s a 512 ram or 1 gig ram, am afraid that things will start force closing. Or are you the type that forgets to close an app after using it?
 If you check such phones, you might see 20 apps in there minimized list. Please, If you fall in that category, try to close apps after use and if you are in the category of running some many apps that have almost the same functions like the illustration I gave above, try to choose an app that you believe suits you better and run it only.

When we are in search of an app that would solve a particular issue for us, we tend to search the app store to get it. After downloading the app for free from the store, you install and click open, you first thing you see is one annoying ads that occupies the whole of your screen argggh! I hate seeing that!

Running apps with lots of buggy ads confuses your phone and you the owner. And some of these ads lag the phone when they become excessive. The “X” button (cancel button) doesn’t work in some of these ads. You will keep on clicking on it for the buggy thing to leave your screen but it won’t respond then you will get the message “so so so app is not responding, wait or force close”.

Now, am not discouraging you from downloading free apps but my suggestion is, if the ads are much and you don’t have the cash to buy the pro version, just uninstall it and go find an alternative. Look for a similar app that can do such functions with little or no ads.

Some of us love music, games and funny videos. Now check out the situation below…

You checked your friend’s laptop and noticed that he have the music you loves and it approximately 3.7gig but you only have a 2 gig memory card. During the transfer process, you get the notification from the pc saying “no more space on the external device”. Seeing you, you remembered that you have some free space on your phone that’s over 1 gig (internal storage). Then you decided to transfer the rest down there since you don’t have space again on your sd card.

No doubt, most android phones have internal spaces like 1 gig, 2 gig, 4 gig, 8 gig, 16 gig, and so on but when you are at the bottom of the list (those having 1 gig or 2 gig of internal storage) I will strongly advice that you don’t use such space for your files (videos, music, apps & games). If you most have lots of videos on your phone, do purchase an Sd card with larger space. Why? Because apps installed saves part of it data there (your internal memory) and those apps would appreciate if you got lot of space there to accommodate them.

So, hurrah now and grab your extra sd card…

Some installed apps leaves some cache files on our phones but we may not know.

When these cache files accumulate, they slow down that app thereby slowing down the phone. So my advice is that you should clear such cache files regularly.

To do this manually, follow the steps below
1. Go to phone settings then locate Apps or Apps Manager and click on it.
2. Click the All tab and locate those apps that performs slowly when ever you run them and click on them one after the other.
3. Scroll down and click Clear Cache.

That’s all! If you don’t like the manual method, you can opt-in for the automatic method by downloading an app that clears cache files automatically. I would recommend CLEAN MASTER!

So, that’s all I have for you today, hope you enjoyed this article and your iced soft drink? If this article was helpful to you, share it to a friend.


Thursday, 1 January 2015

How to Make your Android Phone Display your Name when Locked

Hello friends,

I would love to share this with you…

Have you ever wondered on how you can make your Android phone display your name when locked? This tutorial will definitely show you on how to do this.
Lets get down to it immediately!

How to do this
* Go to settings, then click Security.
* In the Security settings, Click Owner Info
* Now type your name in the provided bar.
* After typing your name, exit the settings with your Hold Key.
* Now lock your phone manually, and see your name showing.

If you encounter any problem while doing this, please feel free to mention that.

Share this post with your friends.