
Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Read aloud: Let your Android Phone Read Your PDFs

Hello friends,

Are you tired of reading your PDFs yourself? Are you tired if stressing your eyes in order to read your favorite eBooks? You have come to the right place! READ ON!!!

It very boring when you remember that you have an eBook to read from your android phone but you got to stick your eyes to it. When i said live smarter with your android phone, i really meant it! 

Read alot actually reads your PDFs for you aloud just as the name sounds. All you just need to do is find the file you want to read then click the play icon and it will start reading it for you line by line.

How it Works:

  • Download READ ALOUD HERE
  • Install and Open
  • Immediately, you will be taken to the "change voice or language" settings.
  • Select your language and voice type then click "Use selected voice".
  • Then it will start to talk automatically. 
  • To choose your file (pdf, doc, txt) click the option key then click open. Locate the file you want to open and click select.
  • Click the Play icon and... you are done!
You don't need to go through the reading stress any longer.
Now, your android phone is more smarter!!! 

View Gallery In Cool 3D Style On Your Android Phone

Hello friends,

How is your day going? I will like to share this post with you all…
We all like 3D graphics and cool stuffs that's why i am sharing this article with you.

Bulmedia Gallery
Bulmedia Gallery is the app you need for some cool 3D effect to your picture gallery viewing. Viewing pictures on your android phone will become more fun with this app. 
It arranges your pictures and videos in their respective folders for comfortable viewing. All you need do is, install and open!

Cool 3D graphics
Quick load time
Edit pictures - cropping & rotating of pictures.


Saturday, 27 September 2014

Stream Music Easily on Your Android Phone - Jango Radio

Hello friends,

I will like to discuss about an app that you can use to stream music online on your android phone for free.

Jango Radio: is a free app used to stream music online for android phones and tabs. I use this app alot that's why am recommending it to you.


  • Beautiful interface. 
  • High audio quality. 
  • Lots of stations to choose from. 
  • Lots of artist to listen to. 
Why I Prefer Jango Radio: 
  • Quick and easy access to song lyrics. 
  • It got so many stations/Artist to choose from. 
  • Got quick Bio of the artist you are listening to currently. 
  • Plays songs you actually have in mind lols.  (As if the app reads my mind).
  • Ability to select quality of audio.
  • It got beautiful interface and design. 
  • You can create station based on your favorite artist. 
  • Once a song starts playing; even if you disconnect your network, it will definitely continue playing. (The app streams ahead) 
Cool hunh? Download below: 

Friday, 26 September 2014

Tennis 3D Game Download For Android Phone & Tabs

…Wonderful sport games… I’m a big fan of tennis right from time. I so love the game; so I will like to share it with you.

Tennis 3D: This is no ordinary tennis game because it actually comes with a cool 3D graphics, smooth game play and easy controls.

  • Single player mode
  • World Tour
  • Great graphics
  • Easy controls


Download Poweramp Music Player For Android Phones & Tabs

Enjoy listening to songs on your Android Smartphone!

Poweramp music player makes android phones become smarter due to it various features.  With it fabulous preferences like headset control buttons, lock screen, album arts and lots more… you will enjoy listen to your favorite music right from your android smart phone.

  • Quality Equalizer (bass booster)
  • Lyrics Grabbing
  • Album art download
  • Sound tweaking
  • Beautiful interface 
  • You can organize your songs easily in this app like adding it to a particular playlist. And you can easily sort them from their folders.
  • It automatically downloads the album art of your songs which is very cool J
  • You can set your songs to cross fade while entering the next, so it sounds more like a deejay mix.
  • It has an interesting audio tweak that enable it user enjoy better audio outputs.
  • With it bass boost settings; you will surely enjoy listening to songs on your android phone.
  • It has the “sleep timer” settings that allows you control when you want the app to sleep (stop).
  •  You can edit the tags (info) of any song.
  • It has a lyrics plugin that enables you to get lyrics for every of your songs.
  • You can download more themes for this music player.

Click here for PowerAmp Trial Version --- DOWNLOAD NOW

…Enjoy been smart with your android phone…

Thursday, 25 September 2014


BAT DUDE: Hearing this name, I know your thought is already going somewhere… "It’s should be a Batman game"...Its definitely a batman game! ;) .
I so love this game and it’s the frequently played games on my android phone. With a dude wearing the bat cloth, swinging and knocking down enemies to save the city, this is fun all the way. And by the way, he got a jet lols.

This is not like the officially Batman game…
In this game, the main character (bat dude) keeps on swinging from one building to the other to stay alive because if he falls, his dead. And again to save the city from evil people *wink*

  • 3 game modes – free play, 30secs & 60secs
  • 3 game levels – Easy, medium & Hard
  • Cool sound track.
  • Stunning graphics


 …Enjoy interesting games today…

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

How to Download Paid Apps & Games for Free - Aptoide

Hello friends,

I want to discuss with you on How you can download paid apps & games for free without paying a dime. All you need is APTOIDE

APTOIDE: is an app store which have of so many paid apps and games. And one good thing about this store is that, you can add more and more stores to it, thereby making your apps & games "unlimited".

  1. Download Aptoide click here --- DOWNLOAD NOW 8.16mb
  2. Install and open (you can update it to the latest version if you are prompted)
  3. Click "Add Store" to add other stores to your current store. (The more stores you add, the more free apps you get *wink*)
  4. Search the app you want.
  5. Click and app and click Install... immediately it will be downloaded and installed. Check pics below:
The app cost $1.85 on Play store but on
Aptoide its free.
As easy as that! Now you can enjoy those apps & games you have been waiting to get.

If this post was helpful to you, share it to your friends and loved ones. 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

How to Unlock Pattern Lock on Android Easily

Hello friends,

Whats up... how you enjoying the day? ooh, i got something for you #wink.

That annoying moment when you want to "steal" an app from you friend's phone but its locked argghhh lolz. With this tutorial, you can now by-pass a "pattern" lock without any app. Its just a trick though...

How To Do This:
NB: Try this first on your phone.
  1. Press your Power Button to off the display light of your android phone.
  2. Locate an environment having moderate light.
  3. Then tilt your phone to the right (portrait view).
  4. Depending on the screen of the android phone, the finger print of the last attempt security pattern draw will be very visible. Check Pics below:
  5. From the pics above, you can see that my password shape is 3, so, guess the starting point of the seen "finger print" (shape 3) and try to replicate it.
  6. If it fails, guest the starting point again and retry.
...if its on your friends phone:
  1. Clean his screen with a clean cloth then tell him to re-draw his security pattern. (Make sure you don't show him that you actually want to break into his phone with your actions)
  2. Then do the tips above (tip 1 to tip 7)
NB: This tips works for almost all android phones because of their screens. And this tip is more accurate on phones having screen guard.
So... what are you waiting for? Try it on your friend's phone today!!!

NB: This tip is for educational purpose only, should not be held responsible for how this tip is been used.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Mobo Market: Download Unlimited Android Apps & Games

Hello all,

hurray... Thank God its Friday... Weekend things...
Have you tried Mobo market? oooh you are really missing.

How i got to know about this app:
I connected my phone to a pc via Moborobo and after the whole transfer operation, Mobo Daemon and Mobo Market were automatically installed on my phone. Seeing this, i was really angry but i just said i should give this app (Mobo Market) a try and woohaalaaaa... it worth the try!

Mobo Market: Like every other market, is a store for android apps and games including wallpapers and themes. But this particular store got so many advantages that makes it stand out from others.

  1. Mobo market can resume your downloads. The best part of this is that, even when you restart your phone, you can still continue (resume) the download.
  2. You can actually download apps and install later. 
  3. You are always notified about new app updates and it always demand your consent on default whether you want to update them.
  4. You receive notifications from the app (mobo market) about apps or games that might interest you. Believe me, they will always interest you.
  5. It has "One click download" feature. (search what you want to download then click download immediately.
  6. You can update all your apps easily with the "update all" feature. 
  7. If you have an uncompleted download via wifi and you switch on mobile data, you will be notified whether to continue downloading file or not.  
  8. It has almost all the apps you are looking for. 
Check this Pics Below:

Are you interested about this app store? Why don't you download, install and start enjoying this now... There's nothing else to say here about this.

Download here --- MOBO MARKET 2.3mb 

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How to Download Paid Apps & Games for Free - Aptoide

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